Human Lets His Cat Smell Olives For The First Time And It’s Hilarious

This man introduces his cat to the olives for the very first time and his reaction will have you laughing out loud. This cat...

Cat Lives For "Trust Falls" With His Owner, Hilarious!

Everyone knows the "trust fall". You fall back without looking, with someone behind you. This cat trust falls as a hobby. Not because  he...

Bengal Cat Chattering at the Birds

"Our cat Maverick can't get enough of the birds outside the window." Bengal cats are known to be a bit more chatty and we've found...

15+ Photos Proving That Cats Are Actually Demons

Cats only worship one thing: themselves. That is what we've always believed...until we discovered these photos. You might think your innocent cat is out roaming the neighborhood or chasing off a few mice, but in reality they are attempting to communicate with none other than Satan himself. Why you ask? The likeliest conclusion would be their attempt at world domination. Look at the proof below, and you'll need to find yourself the nearest fallout shelter. We're pretty sure this isn't going to end well for us humans...

12 Cat And Dog Moms That Have Had Enough

Motherhood is certainly not easy, but for cats and dog's, it's an understatement. It's utterly exhausting for them. They don't just have 1,2, or even 3. It's loads of babies. Loads of babies sucking for milk all day. Loads of babies fighting with their siblings for their mom's attention. Wouldn't you be extremely exhausted too? Yeah, us too!

Cool Cat Chills Out at the Mall

Nowadays, it is normal to see animals who act like humans. Some dance, eat, dress and even sing like humans. Well this cat was...

The 12 Moods Of Cats You Go Through On A Daily Basis

Dealing with cats can be a very mind boggling task. This is how a day starts for a cat owner....the cat wakes up at...

Wiske The Kitten vs The Mirror For The Very First Time!

It can be a confusing thing for kitties to see themselves in the mirror for the very first time. Who is that staring back...

17 Things Only People Who Are "Besties" With Their Cats Will Understand

If you find yourself cancelling out plans with your human friends, to secretly stay home on a Friday night with your cat, then your cat is your BFF to the extreme. And, hey....there's nothing wrong with that. But, prepared. Because, you're human friends won't understand that super tight bond you have with your feline buddy. Only you understand the inside jokes with your kitty, only you understand them entirely, and vice versa. It's basically a relationship full of secret codes, that fill only your soul :)

Cat Thinks He’s Been Cheated On!

These two cats have been in love for a long time but their relationship came across a little bump recently. D’Atagnan lives with...

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