If Cats Could Give Life Advice To Other Cats, It Would Go Something Like...
Do you ever look at your cat, and think, "what a wise a**" ? Do you feel that your cat walks around like they...
“Squints” the Cat Likes To Make A Face Before Going On Rampage
You know how some humans would say things like “Hold my beer” or “YOLO” before doing something that is beyond dumb? Well, this cat...
Dads Who Didn’t Want Damn Cats In Their Lives
Dad logic is can be quite tricky to understand. Here’s a list, or rather solid evidence, that busted the dads who shouted the loudest...
If Cats Ruled the World
In Aaron's latest adventure we get to see what the world would be like if it was ruled by cats! Featuring the fabulous Prince...
Cat Has Her Mind Blown By Sparkling Water
We can all be a little bit hesitant when we face something new for the first time. Well this is the case for Coco...
23 Important Firsts Every Cat Owner Has Experienced
23 Important Firsts Every Cat Owner Has Experienced
Creative Owner Draws Funny Facial Expressions For His Cat
Cats are generally known for having multiple personalities. But, this cat in particular has so many personalities, you could probably mistake him/her for a...
Cat Tries to Rescue Best Friend From the Vet
This kitty is very determined to save his friend from the veterinarian. We don't have the reasoning behind the kitten's heroics but whatever it...
27+ Cats That Are Going Totally Bonkers On Catnip
Catnip to cats is like caviar. So, when they get a hold of it, they go to town on it. But, for these cats, that's an understatement. They more than love this stuff. They are obsessed with it, and they're not afraid to show it. No matter how much catnip they find, it's never enough. In fact, if they could eat, drink, and sleep catnip, they would. Oh wait, these cats do...and you can totally see it on their faces. Hilarious!
Very long Cat Shout!
Cats meows when they want affection from their owner, or when they are hungry. sometimes they also do that when they are angry, but...