21+ Cat Snaps Whose Sole Purrpose Is To Bring You Joy

These cat Snapchats’ come with a 100% guarantee. After taking a look at these snaps you are guaranteed to smile a little more, laugh a little more and enjoy life a tiny bit more because after all isn’t that all that matters?

Kitten Learning to Use Litter Box Has Some Great Moves

This delightful little kitten is learning how to use the litter box. He's been watching his mama and he understands the principle...but he’s not having...

Cat Politely Asking To Get Petted

Mavi is a tuxedo cat who always asks for pets 😺 If you look closely you'll see a portrait of Maxi in the background. This...

Cat Interrupts German Weather Broadcast To Demand Cuddles!

"Hey, pay attention to me! I’m more important than whatever it is you’re doing, human"! That guy keeps it together like a pro, even when...

Do Cats Walk On Foil? An Experiment

Most cats don't like the sound or the feel of aluminium foil. Is it true? Let's do an experiment! We lay the floor with...

A Cat Teaches Kitten The Ways of Life In The Most Hilarious Way

If you've ever bought or adopted a new kitten, when you already have an adult cat at home...you know that the adult cat can...

21+ Overly Dramatic Cats Who Deserve An Oscar

Cats, whether they're discovering snow for the very first time, realizing that the ceiling fan goes in circles, watching somebody eat their ice-cream, or learning that their favorite couch is no longer here, these cats can't help but be overly dramatic...so much that some deserve an Oscar!

18 Cats Who Had No Idea You’d Be Home So Early

Do you ever think about what your cats might be up to when you're at work? Have you ever walked in the front door and your cat just has that "guilty" look on their face? Check out these 12 cats who had no idea their humans would be home so early and you'll love the expressions on their face!

Cats Hop Into A Golf Car Than Proceed To Turn Up The Music…Hilarious

When these cats decide to hop a into golf cart, they turn on some tunes the results are just too cute. Then watch them...

20 Cats Who Have Mastered The Whole Parenting Thing

If you're a parent, you know it's full of daily surprises and challenges. There's never a dull moment, to say the least. But, for cats, it's a whole different ball game. Their challenges are a little different than humans'. It's more than nonstop for them. In fact, parents cats probably don't even know what "break" is. Kittens mean business....24/7.

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