6 Headlines We Would See In A Cats' Newspaper…Hilarious!

Local Cat Gets Stuck Inside Cola Box Meet Fluffy McGee, of the Walnut Lane McGees. He entered a Cola box early Sunday afternoon,...

16+ Hysterical Cat Snapchats That Will Have You Falling Off Your Chair

Just when you thought that Snapchat couldn't get any better, it totally proves you wrong with these amazing cat snaps! Not only do these cats prove that there is no such thing as dull moment with a cat, but also shows how much they love the camera, and camera loves them. Perhaps they're purposely on the naughty spectrum, because they know they'll end up on camera :) It's obviously just a kitty publicity stunt :)

10+ Cat Owners Who Regret Letting Other People Look After Their Kitty

Have you ever needed someone to look after your cat while you were on vacation? Well if you love your furbaby it would be best not to leave it with these people! As you can see from this funny list, if there was a class for cat sitting, these guys would fail. But what they lack in care skills they definitely make up for in their humor!

Woman Illustrates The Blunt Meaning Of Life With Cats

Are you a cat owner? Do people sometimes ask you what it's like to have cats? It's pretty hard to describe, right? There's no...

9 Reasons Why Cats Are Better Than Kids

For some people having a one kid is great, others want more three, four, you name it! Some people, just want cats. Sure, cats...

15 Typical Daily Disasters Cat Owners Are Very Familiar With

When you're a cat owner, you deal with some struggles that not any other pet owner can relate to. Why? Because that's just how "unique" cats are. The good news is that as much as their challenging personalities may stress you out, they're cuteness surpasses all of it. So, the point is that when you wake up at 6AM on a Saturday, with your cat's tail brushing your face, it's totally worth it :)

Why It’s Better To Have a Cat Than A Baby Explained In 9 Images

Babies are cute and adorable but cats can be much more fun to live with. Having a baby is a life changing moment while...

This Guy Makes Hollywood Movies Better By Editing His Cat Into Them It Is...

Cats have a variety of talents. They are excellent hunters, great at human manipulation for treats, and some cats are even amazing actors. Well...

13 Things You Knew All Too Well If You Grew Up With A Cat

If you grew up with a cat, you know that life was a little different. A little more challenging, never dull, always overly exciting. But, at the end of the day, could you imagine your life any other way? Probably not...

This Cat Has An Uncanny Resemblance To Steve Buscemi

What you are about to see is going to surprise you because it is not photoshopped. Yup, we'll say it again it is not...

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