
How to Groom a Cat | Basic Cat Grooming

Come along as we show you start to finish a full basic cat groom! This kitty is a regular who comes in for a...

How to Make Your Cat Feel Safe

We feel most at ease at home. It is where we go to unwind with family and where we often feel the happiest. Because our pets...

Your Cat Can Be Your Best Stress Reliever

For cat people, there's no doubt: the whiskers, fuzzy faces, meows, and head nudges indicate that our cats are definitely beneficial to our mental...

The Key to Helping Your Shy or Scared Cat

Fear is a completely normal, innate, and adaptive behavior in all animals. However, if fear is not addressed properly, it can lead to serious...

Does My Cat Have Separation Anxiety?

We've all seen the memes about dogs who have had enough of you walking them since the Covid 19 pandemic began. As a result,...