15 Hilarious Cat Tweets Are The Purrfect Remedy For When You’re Feeling Down

If you're feeling a little blue and need a midday pick-me-up, we’ve got the purrfect prescription to get you through this or any day. It's cats on Twitter! These hilarious cat tweets are instantly going to brighten your day and bring a smile to your face. Whether it’s a cat getting itself into impossible predicaments (see above), being extra adorable, or just trying to show off its latest mouse kill, these little ones are just some of the reasons cats have taken over the internet.

Someone Noticed That Cats Use Parking Bumpers As Pillows, And It’s Oddly Wholesome

Twitter user Ijnaoba1927 from Japan has captured the internet’s attention when he posted a couple of photos of their neighborhood cats resting their heads on...

Cat People Will Understand…

Cole and Marmalade’s human Chris says: "You know you’re owned by a cat when...You receive 5am wake up calls for breakfast, use the kitchen sink...

Cat Unrolls All The Toilet Paper Than Does The Most Unexpected Thing Ever!

Meet Willie, a hilarious cat that loves to use unroll all the toilet paper, but instead of leaving it for his human to clean...

Maru The Cat Accidentally Tries On Different Wigs After His Owner Builds A Box...

Meet Maru – the 9-year-old Scottish fold is one of the most famous cats on the internet with a whopping 500k subscribers on Youtube...

The Blunt Truth About Having Cats Vs. Babies

If you have a cat, and deciding if you should also have a baby, then pay close attention. This is the hysterical truth about...

Cat Tries to Rescue Best Friend From the Vet

This kitty is very determined to save his friend from the veterinarian. We don't have the reasoning behind the kitten's heroics but whatever it...

21 Annoying Things Cats Take Pride In

Sure, cats are super adorable. They're cuddly, loving, and warm your heart with those big glistening eyes. But, they also have their "moments", where they seem to go out of their way to "challenge" us. Or to state it bluntly, when they go out of their way to be little jerks. And, they do it a lot more than once. And, there's no singling one or two cats out. This is all cats. It's just in their species. They take pride in making our living a little more difficult at times....and they know they're good at it...

The Cat That Walks Like A Boss Has More Style Than You Do

Meet Nyankichi, a male tabby from the fields of Kagoshima in Kyushu Japan. You'll immediately notice one thing very special about this cat, he...

20+ Cats Who Were Put On Blast On Snap Chat By Their Owners…Hilarious!

If you have a cat or cats, you know that there's never a dull moment with them. But, no matter what, they always keep us laughing. Whether what they do is good or naughty, they do it with a good and funny heart :) But, sometimes they can drive us nuts. And to relieve that anger, people go to snapchat and put their cats on blast. The end result is hysterical :)

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