300 Dollars Crazy Catnip Party!

These lucky kitties were thrown a special party with Matatabi and Catnip! Fun fact: Catnip elicits a different response from cats depending on whether it...

Single Guy Recreates His Twin Sister’s Baby Photos Using A Cat

Gordy Yates usually doesn't do anything for his twin sister's birthday, but on their 28th, he decided to do something very special – he...

Guy Couldn’t Find A Date For Prom So He Took His Cat Instead

Prom can be a stressful time, especially when looking for a date. Sam Steingard wasn't able to find a date as Prom approached so...

This Cat Has An Uncanny Resemblance To Steve Buscemi

What you are about to see is going to surprise you because it is not photoshopped. Yup, we'll say it again it is not...

Have You Ever Seen A Kitty So Chill?

Here’s a kitty that really knows how to relax like a boss. Us hoomans can learn a lesson or two from this cat because...

16 Vet Signs That Show They Have A Great Sense Of Humor About Cats...

It's not always fun to take your pet to the vet. But, there are vets that make it a little more entertaining for their patients' owners. These vets are pros at making their marquee signs full of puns, and quirky funniness. And, the most popular animal to make fun of, cats of course! They're just so easy to pick fun of. That's why they are so adored around the globe :) Which sign is your favorite?

15+ Photos That Show Cats Are Much Smarter Than We Think

According to scientists, cats are very clever animals, perhaps even to the point of being devious but just how smart are cats? In order...

19 Cats That Failed Their Jumps Miserably…and Hilariously..

For the most part, cats never get their jumps wrong. Their calculations for a jump, are always on point, making them land to perfection....

30+ Hilarious Issues That Only Cat Owners Will Understand

If you're a cat owner, your daily life is something out of a different planet at times. Cats like to think that the world revolves around them. They like to think that they run the show. Heck, they may even think that they're your owners, and you are their pets. It's a wild life, but at the end of the day, they make life pretty darn interesting.

So, Apparently Cats Are Obsessed With Roombas…A Lot….

If you have a cat or cats, you know that once you turn that vacuum on, they run, hide, whatever they have to do...

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