Creative Owner Draws Funny Facial Expressions For His Cat
Cats are generally known for having multiple personalities. But, this cat in particular has so many personalities, you could probably mistake him/her for a...
19 Hilarious Cats Who Deserve Their Own Reality Shows
These cats are too much to handle! To say they are characters, is an understatement! They're not down with anything ordinary. They're the cats that enjoy giving a good show, and giving everyone around them a good laugh! So, it goes without saying, these cats totally deserve their own reality shows. There would never be a dull moment during the episodes :)
16+ Hysterical Cat Snapchats That Will Have You Falling Off Your Chair
Just when you thought that Snapchat couldn't get any better, it totally proves you wrong with these amazing cat snaps! Not only do these cats prove that there is no such thing as dull moment with a cat, but also shows how much they love the camera, and camera loves them. Perhaps they're purposely on the naughty spectrum, because they know they'll end up on camera :) It's obviously just a kitty publicity stunt :)
Meet George: The Cat That Loves Standing On Two Legs
Cats are usually known to stand away from pet stereotypes. They enjoy being unique, and individually have their signature characteristics. But, this cat in...
These Cats Prove That Failure IS An Option For A Cat, And It’s Hilarious!
Cats usually like to pass off as slick, and know-it-alls. But, the truth of the matter is that they don't know it all. And,...
What Your Cat Is Really Thinking
“Have you ever wondered what your kitty would say if he could speak? Catsass is here to tell you. Don’t be fooled by its...
12 Cats Who Are Pros At Resolving Their Own Problems
Don't underestimate cats. When in doubt, these cats totally know how to resolve their problems easily and efficiently. In no time, whatever was broken, in the way, or simply not efficient for their intended goal, they will figure it out in no time. Nope, they don't need your assistance, humans. This is how cats fix their own dilemmas :)
12 Cats Who Have A Thing About Sitting On Their Humans' Food
Some cats enjoy naps on the couch, on the window sill, or in some random nook in the house. Some like to lounge across kitchen floors, some prefer to lounge on top of food in the kitchen. Apparently, there are cats out there that are just as bad as dogs are with human food. The only difference is that dogs want to just take it, and eat it. Cats who are food fanatics on the other hand, just want to sit on it. Way to be "different" kitties!
Cat Adoption Agency Develops Fun And Clever Labels To Help Adoption Process
Whoever came up with these labels to help get cats adopted, is a genius. Santa D'Or, a cat agency, wanted to help their cats'...
12 Cats That Are Your Spirit Animals
Do you feel like no one understands you? When you have problems, you can't find anyone to talk to. And, when you're feeling lonely, you can't seem to shake it off no matter who visits. That's until your cat(s) steps in. They just get you. They are the cat version of you. They know how to solve your problems, and make all your worries disappear. They are your spirit animal. Just pay close attention to their behavior. You'll be amazed at how much your cat resembles your behaviors, and mannerisms. The good, the bad, and the ugly....