Cat Waits Every Day At 12:00…To Collect The Mail

Meet The Baron, a kitty that patiently waits every day at noon for one of his favorite visitors and it's not who you normally...

Adorable Cat Tries To Wake Up Sleepy Dog

Watch as this little kitty tries to wake up the family dog. This cat is very gentle and lightly paws at the dogs head...

Stray Cat Brings a Tiny Surprise to Woman Who Gave Her Food

A young woman was feeding the neighborhood’s stray cats when one day she found a tiny kitten on her balcony. One the strays she...

10 Cats Playing in a Pool of Colorful Balls

The 10 cats are having a bit of fun in a pool full of colorful plastic balls. They seem a little bit hesitant at first but then...

Ganmu The Ginger Cat Meets A Kitten For The Very First Time

Ganmu, the ginger cat appears to have felt a tiny bit uncomfortable when he first discovered this new cute little kitten in his home. While...

Boomer the Bengal Cat That Free Skates

Meet Boomer the Bengal the talented free skate cat! Animal trainer Robert Dollwet aka Catmantoo adopted him because Bengals have a reputation of trainability....

Surprising Reason Why This Cat Keeps Coming Back To The Same House Every Night

A stray cat meows to open the door at 7 pm, and meows again to let her go outside at 8 am. Finally, the...

Have You Ever Seen A Cat Do Anything Like This Before?

This is HOOTe (pronounced hoo-tee) and as an older cat from a shelter, he was very fortunate to have found a forever home. He's...

Little House Cat Challenges Big Lion, Proves That Size Doesn’t Matter

Derek Krahn, a director for a non-profit big cat sanctuary he runs in Texas, recently had a priceless reaction when his domestic kitty Baggy...

This Kitty Loves Her Bunny So Much That She Cuddles It To Sleep!

This adorable kitty knows exactly when it's time for bed. She'll curl up and hug her little bunny doll to sleep in the cutest...

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