Cat Rescued From Terrible Conditions Now Sleeps In Her Tiny Doll Bed Each And...
Meet Sophie, a rescue kitten that sleeps in her own miniature version of a human bed with rotating sets of sheets, comforters, and even...
10 Special Librarians That Just So Happen To Be Cats
These cats don't have the same roles as house cats. These cats serve their communities by, assisting at their local libraries. Yes, they are librarian cats. Some, keep an eye on the parking lots, some greet patrons, some make sure the library is mouse free. Their duties are endless, and best of all, they're bringing people together, and popularity to libraries during an age of high-tech, and digital everything.
Priceless Moment When The Pilot Realizes A Hitchhiker Cat On The Plane's Wing!
While taking a passenger for a view of the stunning of French Guiana, a pilot received the shock of his life when he noticed...
Sanitation Worker Saves Tiny Kitten Found in His Truck
A kind-hearted sanitation worker saved this tiny calico kitten out of the trash when he spotted her in the back of his truck.
Mother Cat Leads Her Rescuer to Her Injured Baby
A stray mother cat was able to persuade a rescuer to let her back out so she could lead her to her babies.
A woman...
Shelter Kitten Helps Man Propose On Thanksgiving, And It's Adorable!
A cute little shelter kitty helped a man propose the day before Thanksgiving. The couple met two years ago on Thanksgiving Day
Meet Gandalf the...
Cat Takes Regular Rides on Tokyo Subway Train All By Himself
A cat has been taking the train in Tokyo on a regular basis. He is taking the train to no where, but manages to...
Daddy Cat Stays Glued To Mom Cat While Birthing His Kittens…Beautiful!
When it comes to birthing babies, the majority of the responsibility belongs to the mother. But, one cat daddy wanted to provide care, love...
Man Spent Hours Trying To Dig Out Buried Kittens….A Beautiful Rescue Story
A very kind man spent a total of seven hours digging through piles of wood to save a litter of tiny kittens that were...
Blind Cat Survives Hit And Run After Lying In Road For 3 Hours
Sir Whiley Kitty is a 13-year-old stray tuxedo cat who is unfortunately, completely blind — and it's a miracle he's still alive.
Jennifer Minnich, from...