15 Gifs That Prove Cats Can’t Compete With Technology…Ever

Next time you bring your cats near your tech devices, you may want to reconsider. Clearly, cats and high tech devices don't mix. It's a battle between the two, and to put it "nicely", the cats are losing miserably. The bright side of it all is that, it's great entertainment for us outsiders looking in :)

Have You Ever Seen A Kitty So Chill?

Here’s a kitty that really knows how to relax like a boss. Us hoomans can learn a lesson or two from this cat because...

30+ Hilarious Issues That Only Cat Owners Will Understand

If you're a cat owner, your daily life is something out of a different planet at times. Cats like to think that the world revolves around them. They like to think that they run the show. Heck, they may even think that they're your owners, and you are their pets. It's a wild life, but at the end of the day, they make life pretty darn interesting.

15+ Photos Proving That Cats Are Actually Demons

Cats only worship one thing: themselves. That is what we've always believed...until we discovered these photos. You might think your innocent cat is out roaming the neighborhood or chasing off a few mice, but in reality they are attempting to communicate with none other than Satan himself. Why you ask? The likeliest conclusion would be their attempt at world domination. Look at the proof below, and you'll need to find yourself the nearest fallout shelter. We're pretty sure this isn't going to end well for us humans...

This Is What It Looks Like When Cats Love Their Humans A Little Too...

We love our cats, and they love us. But, are there times when you're just like "ok, maybe they love me a little too much today"? The cuddling sessions have gotten longer, personal space doesn't exist anymore in your house, and every corner you turn, they are there. Maybe sometimes their love for their humans literally has no boundaries!

Cats And Their First World Problems…What A Struggle!

What a tough life cats live. And, we mean that as sarcastically as possible. Cats sleep hard, eat hard, relax hard, annoy hard....they basically...

Meet Scruffles, The Cat That Has No Idea Why Chicks Are Going Crazy Over...

Meet Scruffles, the fat kitty who has amassed quite the impressive of following with 57k Instagram followers but lets talk about the chickens that...

"I Capture What It’s Like Living With My Cats" (30 Pics)

"I try to capture all the little fun moments that happen when living with cats. All my little cat comics are done on 4 by 4 post-it notes! My fluffy friends are always a great source of inspiration and entertainment. And best of all they are always there when you need a hug or a good cry." - Rikke Asbjoern

16 Opening Lines To Initiate Small Talk With Your Cat

Sometimes cats aren't good communicators. They prefer to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, which makes them the mysterious little creatures that they are. But, that doesn't stop their humans from wanting to learn more about them. It just takes more work to get them to "talk" :) These are the typical small talk starters for cat owners....

15+ Cats That Haven't Realized They've Grown Up

One thing is true about cats, no matter how small or big, they're always cuddly, cute, and adorable. But, depending on their size, there...

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