Home Funny Why You Should Talk To Your Cats About Cat Nip...Hysterical!

Why You Should Talk To Your Cats About Cat Nip…Hysterical!

It’s no secret that cats love cat nip. The problem with cat nip? The fact that it makes cats go a little crazy. But, once they start having it, it’s hard to stop. Hence, creating a menace kitty. A cat that has no boundaries, and will do as they see fit, without even taking a second to wonder what you have to say about it. This ladies and gents, is your cat’s brain on cat nip…Please take a second to read these important catnip dangers and share them with your cats. Nip: Not even once.

1. I can see through time!!!


2. Trying to make out with a dolphin isn’t normal.


3. Girls used to think I was hot.


4. We used to dream about getting an apartment together.


5. Attacking a deer in your yard isn’t normal.


6. Running away from a cow with the same coloration as you isn’t normal.


7. I live in a filing cabinet.


8. No one would believe that my teachers used to call me “the cream of the crop.”


9. I used to be the prettiest kitty in the whole wide world!
