21 Kitty Criminals Caught In The Act….

These cats are shameless, and very clever. They're just waiting for the perfect moment to steal your food, or lay on your favorite blanket. But, the joke is on them. Because they got caught, red handed! These cats want what they want, and there's no one stopping them...talk about some determined cats!

Cat Unrolls All The Toilet Paper Than Does The Most Unexpected Thing Ever!

Meet Willie, a hilarious cat that loves to use unroll all the toilet paper, but instead of leaving it for his human to clean...

20 Cats Living And Loving Their Convenience Store Shenanigans

In NYC, there are "bodegas", or convenience stores in all corners. They're friendly places with good snacks, drinks, and basically everything else you'd need to be comfortable in a good mood. So, of course all the cats that are homeless around the city, love to hang out in there. And, for the most part, the convenience store managers welcome them with open arms. So, the cats come in, and hang out all day. But, they do get into some shenanigans while they're there, to say the least.

Cute Illustrations Which Perfectly Depict How Cats And Humans See Each Other

The Oatmeal, from his ever-popular book How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You, provides us once again with another gem that our...

15 Honest And Hysterical "Beware Of Cat" Signs That Sum It Up Well

We've all seen them. The infamous "warning: dog inside" signs. But, where's the "warning: cats inside" signs? Let's be real, many of us have cats that are so feisty, they deserve their very own line of signs! They're around. And, they are hilarious to say the least. But, hey....they sum up the reality of cats very well :)

Meet Murphy, The Laundry Basket Hermit Crab Cat

Have You Seen The Hermit Crab Cat? Say hello to Murphy, a five month old orange tabby, who loves having a laundry basket placed...

Human Lets His Cat Smell Olives For The First Time And It’s Hilarious

This man introduces his cat to the olives for the very first time and his reaction will have you laughing out loud. This cat...

24 Cats Who Have A Hysterical Hoarding Problem….

Do you think that your grandma is the only one who hoards? If you do, then you're mistaken. Believe it or not, cats have a huge hoarding problem. The upside to cats being hoarders, is that it's pretty entertaining to see what they collect. It's always the most random objects ever. And, it's never as bad as grandma's hoarding. It's far more of an easier clean up :)

18+ Photos Proving Cats Are Actually Secret Agents

You don't have a pet cat, you have actually housed a small feline secret agent. Don’t believe us? We compiled the evidence below to prove it.

18 Cats Who Will Judge You To The Core With Their Facial Expressions

These cats are very special. They have 'resting judgment face'. Ok, that's not really a thing, but the way they look at their owners...that's a thing. And they're judging them so much with their looks, they may burn holes in the humans' faces. For most cats, these are their resting faces. Don't you wonder if they're really judging you? What they're thinking of you. All we can say, "if looks could kill..."

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