Woman Builds Cardboard Royal Castle For Her Princely Cat

It's no secret that Cats love playing in cardboard boxes. Frances Ratner from New Zealand took the cardboard boxes to a whole new level. You...

Lucky the Persian Loves Hide and Seek Even Though He's Not Very Good At...

Meet Lucky the Golden Chinchilla Persian cat! He may be hopeless at playing hide and seek, but his adorable face is making him an...

Adorable Baby Sharing Breakfast With His Kitten

There's just way too much cuteness going on in this video. Watch as this thoughtful baby politely shares his breakfast with his kitten pal....

Man Discovers His Cat Has Quite The Hilarious Talent…

A tuxedo cat by the name of Keys, has a very entertaining talent that not only makes his family laugh every time. But, also...

20+ Photos Of The Cutest Kittens Ever

What better way to start the day than with a list of the world's cutest feline furballs. Yes, we are actively trying to smother you with an overload of cuteness. Hopefully it works and we just put a smile on your face. Is this list missing your super adorable kitten? Share and let us know in the comments!

People are Using Their Free Time To Crochet Tiny Couches For Their Cats

While most of us are tuning in on Netflix during the lockdown, others are finding some more unique projects. With a little bit of...

25+ Camouflaged Cats That Win At Hide And Seek

We all already know that cats are ninjas, and an important part of their ninja arsenal is purrfect camouflaging. In the right place, cats of certain colors or fur patterns are able to hide in plain sight. We’re not sure just why they do it, but nevertheless, they certainly really good at it. Check out these hiding fur-babies!

Cats Pictured Cozy And Tucked Into Bed Is The New Viral Trend In Japan

The Japanese have started yet another trend. And, this time it involves humans tucking cats very cozily into bed. The less you see their...

Since Bringing Her Home From A Shelter, This Cat Can’t Stop Smiling

When Rey first approached her future human mom squeaking, that was all that was needed. Her human-to-be instantly felt that special connection and that...

Cute Ginger Kitten Meows For Love And Falls Asleep

Meet this really cute little ginger kitten who is learning roam on his own four feet. As he explores, he lets out the cutest...

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