Cats Who See Dogs As The Absolute Best Friend

Well, move over Tom & Jerry. These are now the oddest animal friends. These cats see these dogs as their best friends. No enemies...

20 Derpy Cats That Are Obsessed With Letting Their Tongues Hang Out

You know how they say, "everyone has their something"? Well, these cats' "something", is always having their tiny tongues hanging out. No matter if they're sad, happy or mad....those tongues are always out! And, we wouldn't have it any other way. This is cuteness overload. And tongues hang out on adorable derpy faces, even better!

8 Month Old Rescue Mama Cat Nurses 8 Kittens!

"I've been caring for an 8 month old mother cat with her 8 kittens. For the first week, her mothering instincts were almost next...

Cat Socks For Tables And Chairs That Protect Your Floor

Behold, what might possibly the most awesome pair of socks you can buy. These Nekoashi chair socks created by a Japanese design company Toyo...

Watch This Cat's Reaction When He Wants To Go Outside…It's The Cutest Thing Ever

This sweet kitty is begging to go outside so that he can play with the neighbors cat. It's the way in which he begs...

Smallest Wild Cat In Western Hemisphere Is Too Cute As Video Unveils What It...

Have you ever wondered what a wild cat sounds like? Most of you have likely heard the roar of the lion or tiger, while...

“What Can’t Cats Walk Through” –

Are you bored and you're in need of a good laugh? Then you will love watching this cute felines in action. You don't want...

Kitty Gets A Blanket For Her Catnap

It's nap time for this kitty as she passes out on the sofa soundly asleep. Than her human decides that there’s something missing and...

Meet Ohagi – A Cute Kitten Getting to Know his Forever Home

This is Ohagi! Watch as this adorable rescue kitty gets to know her new forever home! It's a short clip but very sweet and...

Meet Bell, The Cat With A Majestic Fluffy Tail Just Like A Squirrel

Meet Bell, a beautiful majestic cat with a tail so fluffy you can't help but want to touch it. Bell’s has other pets as...

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