"Took in a stray cat…that followed us home…We woke up to a surprise the...

A reddit user named re-verse and his wife shared an amazing story about what happened when a stray cat wouldn't stop following his wife. The compassionate woman didn’t hesitate to bring the cat home with them but what happens next is totally unbelievable.

21 Cats And Rats Who Just Don't Know How To Be Enemies

We've always known cats and mice to be enemies. But, cats and rats...that's a whole other story. That is enemy headquarters!  But, these cats and rats are the odd ones out! They're not only friends, they are inseparable best of friends! They do everything together, sleep together, eat from the same plate, you name it, they do it together. They are one of a kind companions to say the least.

17 Cats Who Have No Idea What This Crazy World Is All About

Just like we humans put ourselves in the "cat world", and don't entirely understand it at times, cats don't really understand our world at times. Watching them trying to figure it out is quite entertaining. They don't give up ever. They keep attempting to break through the confusion, and well....sometimes they figure it out, but many times the fail miserably, and that's okay. Because, it brings laughter into our world for sure.

Bubba, The Cat Who Spent So Much Around A School, He Became A Student

Bubba is a high-spirited cat that spent his days roaming around the school grounds, every single day. Until eventually he became part of the school....as a student. He was taken in by school staff and other students, and given a home inside the school. He was loved and adored by all, and he was officially an integral part of Leland High School, in San Jose California.

10 Common Things Cat Owners Do That Can Break a Cat’s Spirit and Its...

Here is a great list of the top 10 "no no’s" for cat lovers. If you don’t want your fur-baby to resent, hate or fear you...these are the very behaviors you should refrain from: