Ultimate Cat Lady Shares Her Home With 1,100 Felines

A caring cat lady has given up her 4,200 square foot home to more than a thousand felines. Sixty-seven-year-old Lynea Lattanzio now lives in...

Cat Spent Most of His Life as a Stray Until He Found this Man

This cat has spent most of his life as a stray until this man came along and changed everything. “Meet Joe, a retired man-about-town and...

This Kitten’s Adorable Reaction To His Human Coming Home Is Just Too Cute

An Imgur user DatSun280zxt has shared this adorable video of a kitten, who is apparently responding to his human coming home. We've seen many...

Kitty Meets Robot Dinosaur For The Very First Time!

When Maya the cat first discovers this weird looking robot dinosaur, she simply couldn't resist trying to figure out what it was. When she first...

The Signs That Your Cat Truly Loves You

We love our kitties but at one point or another we may have wondered if our cats really love us too. Check out the illustrations...