23 Important Firsts Every Cat Owner Has Experienced

23 Important Firsts Every Cat Owner Has Experienced

10 Special Librarians That Just So Happen To Be Cats

These cats don't have the same roles as house cats. These cats serve their communities by, assisting at their local libraries. Yes, they are librarian cats. Some, keep an eye on the parking lots, some greet patrons, some make sure the library is mouse free. Their duties are endless, and best of all, they're bringing people together, and popularity to libraries during an age of high-tech, and digital everything.

Challenge: Doodle This Cat Photo To Give Him New Adventures (25+ Pics)

It all started with a humorous meme picture of a lovely cat sitting like a human. People started doodling on the image to make it funnier. The results were hilarious and we've compiled all the best ones for you to see.

Look At The Cuteness Overload Buried In Her Belly!

This beautiful looking tabby cat looks super comfortable, all warm and cozy snuggled up on her blanket. But wait, what's that hiding in her belly!?...

Cat Shows Off His Drum-Playing Skills

After watching this video you must admit this cat's got better rhythm than some humans though 😁 You may already know how entertaining Maru...