Heartbroken Cat Spends 1 Year By Her Dead Owner’s Grave


This cute kitten loved her owner so much she couldn’t bear to leave her side. A year has passed since owner passed away, but the loytal kitty still hasn’t left her old lady’s grave. Passer-by Keli Keningau Prayitno, 28, from Central Java, Indonesia, was the first to hear the mourning kitty’s cries and tried to help the cat by adopting her. But that didn’t work – the next day the feline returned to the same spot – nuzzling the small blue headstone of her owner’s grave. The only times she leaves the spot is when she goes to her owner’s children’s house where they feed her. Strangers who see her also give her food and water, but the cat wants nothing but to roll in the earth and sleep at the grave every night.
“She sleeps there and meows, ” said Keli “It’s very sad to see. It shows just how close animals are to their owners.”

Keli heard the cries of a mourning cat that sat on her old lady’s grave


It turns out the cat spent the whole year in the graveyard as she can’t get over her loss


Someone tried to adopt the kitty, but she ran away to be next to the grave


“saw her everyday and noticed that she was always there, but sometimes would leave for a couple of hours then come back.”


“It’s very sad to see. It shows just how close animals are to their owners”


“‘We take some food and water to the cat but she still likes to go home. She’s at the grave everyday.” – Keli

Animal experts say that cats may seem too cool and aloof, but grieving after an owner’s death is very real. Felines can also become anxious, lose interest in the outer world, and become unlike themselves. In some severe cases, it is encouraged to contact a vet and discuss getting anti-anxiety medication for your cat.
And who said cats don’t have feelings for their owners? Please share with friends to let them know that cats are loyal companions as well.
(h/t: Boredpanda)


  1. I took in my Dad’s cats when he died, as I’d promised him I would. One of them yells at the same time every night and I think it’s when my father died. No one but the cats were there for it, I found him a couple days later when he wasn’t answering anyone’s calls. I had to pry this cat from my father’s condo, too. He didn’t want to leave.


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