Cat Owner Built His Cat Something Very Ingenious – Watch It In Action

People love their pets so much that they would do just about anything for them. One man has gone ahead and skillfully created a...

Talented Cats Show Off Array Of Tricks

Let’s be honest here. When we think of cats, the last thing that comes to our minds is that they are obedient and extremely...

🐈🏠How to Make an Amazing Cat House from Cardboard

"My kittens don't let me make a match house. I know why! They want their own house. In this video, I show you how...

7 Suggestions To Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy

Here are 7 great ways to keep your indoor cat happy. Happy cat = happy life.

Man Builds Two Kitty Towers For His Cats And So Many People Want It,...

Cats are naturally very good climbers so it's no surprise they like perching on high places. Whether it’s a shelf, a kitchen cabinet or...

Meet Gary, The Meowntaineering Rescue Cat And His Adorable Adventures

Meet Gary, a 5-year-old rescue kitty that has one of the best instagram accounts out there! He's not just your average floof posing for...

4 Kittens Come To Listen To Street Singer Everyone Else Ignored

This Malaysian musician was about to call it day, as not many people gathered around to hear him sing. Then the cutest little audience decides to up...A group of 4 three month old kittens came to show their support!

Meet Panda, Friendly Cat With Vitiligo Markings Who Gives People Surprise Greetings

Meet the Panda Kitty! This unique looking cat has a white nose, ears, and a tail, giving him the appearance of resembling an inverted...

30 Soldiers Who Met Their Best Friends While Overseas

They say that dogs are man's best friend, but boy are they wrong!  Cats may be smaller than dogs, but boy do they have hearts of gold. These cats came into soldiers' lives while they were overseas, and it was instant love. And, of course they flocked to the soldiers for protection. After that, what blossomed was a very special friendship. Little do these cats know, what joy they were able to bring to these heroes during such tough times.

The Most Unique Litter at The Cat House on the Kings

A litter of five calico kittens arrived at the Cat House on the Kings shelter in Parlier, California. They would soon discover something quite...

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