Cat with Handsome Two-Toned Face Fathers Two Kittens, One for Each Side of His...

Narnia, who lives in Britain with his owner Stephanie Jiminez, is a blue-eyed boy with a face precisely split into a gray and a...

Hero Husky Found 7 Kittens in The Forest And Decided To Become Their Mother

Meet Banner, a 3-year-old Siberian Husky really has a heart of gold. She not only helps her owner, who has health problems, but also...

7 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean

Don't you wish sometimes you could just talk to your cats? Well our kitties are actually communicating to us about how they feel and...

Friendly Cat Interrupts TV Interview and Steals the Show

This adorable kitty lives at a horse stable in Finland and she wanted to say hello to her human just as the cameras began...

17 Surprising Ways Your Cat Tells You "I Love You"

When take a cat home, he becomes a part of your family. He very quickly figures out the best places to nap, finds the ideal perch for watching birds and squirrels, and also determines the best way to get you to give him food and treats. However, another fun thing happens: You have become a cat owner. This means you’re responsible for that stinky litter box, of course. However, it also means you become obsessed with figuring out what your cat is thinking.

Cat Adopts Young Lynx Rejected by Its Mother As Her Own

When a young Lynx was rejected by her mother, one employee decided to bring her female cat who had just given birth into work...

20+ Vintage Photos Proving That We’ve Always Been Obsessed With Cats

If you think that being a crazy cat person is a thing of millennials, you are quite wrong. People have been in love with...

Artist Creates Images That Show How Earth Would Look If Cats Were A Lot...

If only the world were populated by giant cats. Now there’s a thought that many of us have had while daydreaming in school or...

20+ Fascinating Cat ‘Teefies’ Photos

We have a fascination with cat photos of all kinds and one awesome kind is cat "Teefies." One of the best places for these...

Ways To Show Your Cats Love That They Can Understand

Cats are mysterious creatures. How will we decipher their behaviors? This list is an excellent place to start if you want your pet cat...

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