The Most Adorable Toe Beans You’ll See Today
People love toe beans. Who doesn’t? They’re easily one of the cutest things about cats, and many cat owners love taking toe bean pictures.
This Cat Befriended A Cactus Plant
Sometimes non-human beings in a house–and even in nature–tend to have bonded together after a while. That is the case for this cat and...
This Is How Hiding From Problems Feels
When you think you’ve hidden well from your problems, that’s when they learn just how to sneak into you. u/WheresMyDog’s cat has some wisdom...
Hilarious Timing Of This News Tag Earns Laughs
Sometimes we get so frustrated with the current systems we live in. And we wonder, what if cats ran our government?
This perfectly-timed picture from...
This Cat video will warm your Heart
We all know that times come the fly by as fast as lightning, for all we know, we feel like it's just been yesterday...
Man shows how to comfort an angry cat (Wholesome)
Cats are known to be sweet little cuties to their owners, but sometimes it just can't be avoided that there will be fights between...
These Two Cats On A Shelf Are Aesthetically Pleasing
Occasionally cat photos would go beyond meme quality and wind up being rather aesthetically pleasing in its own merit. There are photos that simply...
This Cat Looks Cool In Glasses
Whether glasses are cool or not depends on the person you asked. But generally, most people today think they’re pretty cool. Many even wear...
This Cat Fakes Injury To Get Wet Food
Cats do the darndest things just to get their kibble fix, right? Well, nothing will come quite close to this cat’s habit. A strategy...
Cat Knows Exactly When Bedtime Is
Sometimes with the hustle and bustle of daily life, we forget to sleep on time. Luckily for the owners of this cat, they seem...