This Cat Is A Part-Time Genie

This cat looks like it could grant your wishes if you released it from its vase.   Reddit user u/myself_diff shared this rather interesting photo of...

PICTURE: This Chonker Wants More Food

Sometimes even the daily food you eat isn’t quite enough, and you wind up craving some more. Sure, it happens to the best of...

This Cat Likes To Sit Like A Person

Sometimes we humans tend to sit in different, odd ways. There’d been terms created for these, such as criss-cross applesauce, or bisexual sitting (usually...

Cat Prefers Spilled Water Over An Actual Water Bowl

Many stories have been told about how people’s cats tend to prefer the less favorable option when eating, drinking, or resting. This cat is...

This Fat cat has a ball of hair!

cookies28kg posted a video of his Fat cat being groomed, the cat in the video can be clearly identified as "Fat" because of its...

Bring Home One, Take Home Three: Stray Brings Friends

Be careful when bringing home just one stray, for they may have friends that they may want to tag along for the move. One...

Cat Talked to a cactus toy!

meowss19 posted a video of his cat talking to a toy. The toy is actually a kind of toy that will replay whatever sound...

These Cats Look Ready To Square Up

Introducing cats to other cats can easily be one of the hardest parts of owning multiple cats, and more often than not, results in...

Cutest Sleeping Cat you will ever see!

As we all know cats are cute, but sometimes they just go over the boundary because of their cuteness! especially when they are playing...

Cat Feels Horrors Of Packing

Packing is the hardest part of any trip or move. There are many reasons for it, but one of them can be just how...

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