10 Purrfect Cat Proverbs From Different Cultures Proving That Everybody Loves Cats

Cats have truly made a huge impact on just about every culture around the world. With that said, it shouldn't come as any surprise that many cultures have proverbs just for cats.

14 Cats That Prove They Are Born To Be Instigators

As cute as cats can be, they don't get coined as "fierce" for nothing. Not all, but many of them love to start fights for absolutely no reason at all. You could be petting them softly, cuddling with them, and out of no where....you get bamboozled to say the least. You'll never see it coming. It's just in their character to be the most stealth attackers ever. But, here's the question, are they attacking or playing, and we just don't understand it? You be the judge....

Undeniable Proof That Cats Are Always Drunk

We've finally discovered why cats can never walk in a straight line. The truth behind all those crazy things our cats do. Could it...

15 Cats With True Cattitude

Cats are quite the complicated animals. They may be friendly, comforting and sweet, but at times they can also total jerks. Unlike dogs, who tend to be happy and content most of the day, cats can change their minds in an instant. One second they’re cuddling with you on your couch and the next they’re knocking your lamp off the coffee table.

Single Guy Recreates His Twin Sister’s Baby Photos Using A Cat

Gordy Yates usually doesn't do anything for his twin sister's birthday, but on their 28th, he decided to do something very special – he...

10+ Hilarious Heartbreaking First World Cat Problems That You Probably Never Realized

Usually, when we think about cats, we think what an easy life they have - eat, sleep, and play, all day long. But have you ever thought about their actual day to day struggles they face? Especially first world cats.

Trending: Goodbye Cat Beards, Hello Cat Wigs!

Every year is packed with some crazy and viral trends that floods the internet. And, this "trend" is nothing short of that. People are...

20 Big Cats Who Think They're Little Cats

The only thing better than little cats are big cats! Wild cats aren't much different than your average house cat aside from the size. Cougars are the largest cats capable of purring and any cat larger communicate in their own special way. Tigers for example make sounds called 'chuffing' and if you've never heard it, it's cuteness overload. While we don't recommend going out in the wild and petting all the cats you see, these big wild cats are still playful and lovable. When it comes to boxes, toilet paper, and catnip, big cats fall for it all the same and the rule of 'if it fits, i sit' definitely still applies.

13 Pictures That Perfectly Capture Your Cat's Reactions To Daily Routine

Although cats are all pretty similar in personality, they have characteristics that separate them from one another. And you can see these "characteristics" in their reactions to daily routines. Let's call it the "when your cat" moments. One thing in common about all their reactions....their all guaranteed to make you laugh. Cats must be born with some kind of comedian gene.

22 Times Cats Made No Sense

Cats, man. They are quite the weirdos who do the strangest of things. Such as putting effort into opening a door when there is a...

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