Guy And His Cats Recreate Famous Movie Scenes Together

David and Sarah, a couple movie and feline lovers from the UK, are recreating famous movie scenes together with their cats and it is...

20+ Cats That Are So Big It's Like Having A Tiger

Keeping a tiger as a house pet is probably not a good idea so the next best thing is to have a huge house cat! They're like your own little ferocious house predator, except that they love you and play with you instead of eating you!

10+ Angry Kittens Who Demand To Be Taken Seriously Right Meow

Ahh, little kittens. They're cute, cuddly, and irresistible...that is unless you get on their bad side. Then they become fluffy little monsters who stare...

20 Times Our Cats Became The Landlords of Our Homes…And Us

If you have a cat at home, have you realized how he/she has gotten more comfortable in your home as time has gone by? Like, a little too comfortable? Like they think they run the show in your home? Like they pay the mortgage for your home? B

Kitten Absolutely Refuses To Let Her Human Anywhere Near Her Food

Like most cats, cute little Margo voices her concerns by meowing when she is hungry and continues to do so until her humans succumb...

12 Cats Who Are Bring Meaning To The Term 'High Maintenance'

These kitties aren't your everyday cats. They are extra special. Why? Because as cute as they are, they're also high maintenance. They want what they want, and there's no grey area in between. They demand the best of the best, and won't settle for less. And, there's a lot of cats like this. It's in their genes. Does your cat have these genes?

21+ Cats Who Have Photo Bombing Nailed Purrfect

If you think you're the best at photo bombing, then you have it all wrong. These cats are basically pros at it. They know how to sabotage your selfies, even important family pictures. They are completely shameless when it comes to ruining any of your pictures. Did someone say camera? Well, these cats certainly run at lightning speed when they hear "camera" to make sure that they're in every picture!

30 Powerfully True and Hysterical Cat Memes

Cats. We love 'em, even though they're sneaky, their comfort overrules yours, and they don't really like to listen to you. But, those qualities are what give them character. And, what funny character they have!

Cat Meets A Mole And Does The Most Unexpected Thing

When this cat wanders into the garden he notices a mound of dirt that seems to move. Cats, being the inquisitive creatures they are,...

6 Headlines We Would See In A Cats' Newspaper…Hilarious!

Local Cat Gets Stuck Inside Cola Box Meet Fluffy McGee, of the Walnut Lane McGees. He entered a Cola box early Sunday afternoon,...

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