Challenge: Can You Spot The Cat?
These funny cats are perfectly blended with their surroundings inside their homes. Some of these couldn't be more perfect even if they tried! Take...
24 Cats Stuck In Overly Delicious Food Comas…
You know when the food is so good, your mouth and stomach has no end. Well, that's what happened to these furry ones. They like to eat more than the normal cat. And when it came time for digestion, it was a pretty impossible task. So serious was their food coma, they couldn't even move a limb. Stuck in their own food joy!
Oh Great! Now Cats Are Obsessed With Fidget Spinners…
As if the fidget spinner obsession couldn't get any worse. Now, cats are sucked in too. If you think about it, fidget spinners seem...
How Different Countries Call For Cats' Attention…Interesting!
It's official, cats are the world's favorite animal. So much so, that there is a different way of calling cats in every country in...
12 Texts Your Cat Would Totally Send You If He/She Had Access To A...
Have you ever wondered what your cat would say to you if he or she could text? Would they text you all their wants and needs all the time, since that's how they act? Would they be as vindictive as they are on and every day basis? Would they be even more work via text vs. in person? It would probably go like this...
When Your Teacher Says You Can’t Draw Cats, But Your Paintings Are Photorealistic (20+...
If you went ahead and showed somebody these drawings and told them that they were accurate representations of cats, they’d more than likely laugh at you.
21 Cute And Insightful Life Lessons Cats Are Trying To Teach Us
You know those moments when your cats is being "annoying"? Well, you may want to reconsider your judgements of them, because they're probably just teaching you important life lessons. Their wisdom is just confused as "annoyance" sometimes:) So, whip out a pad and a pen, take notes, and learn from your furry buddy my friends :)
Kitten Learning to Use Litter Box Has Some Great Moves
This delightful little kitten is learning how to use the litter box.
He's been watching his mama and he understands the principle...but he’s not having...
A Group Of Reluctant Men Were Forced To Hold Kittens For The First Time…Now...
It can be hard to believe, but not everyone in the world is a fan of cats. A group of giant men who have...
Photographic Evidence Proving Cats Are Master Thieves
One of the biggest things that makes our kitties so adorable is their mischievous sides – or dare we say – their sneaky sides!...