Cat-italism: 5 Hardest-Working Cats That Redditors Have Spotted

Need motivation for going to work? These cats might help.  An enthusiastic Reddit community shares various “jobs” that their feline friends or the felines...

15+ Hilarious Cat Comics Illustrating Funny Realities Of Owning A Cat

Cats are strangely unique and awesome creatures, we can never hope to understand them. All we can do is support them in any way...

PICTURE: Cat Immediate Finds Comfy Spot In New Couch

When a new piece of furniture is purchased, it can be sometimes hard to get used to the new fabric, or find a position...

Cat Brings Home Live Chipmunk

Christmas, Christmas time is—not quite here yet, but this cat decided maybe their owner would want a live chipmunk inside their house.   This cat owner,...

These Cats share One–And Only One– Braincell

Twitter is the internet’s town square; a place for light and heavy discourse, fandoms, science, and of course cats. Many gimmick accounts have popped...

Cat got attacked by fish!

We already know how much cats love fish, even the previous day when I was defrosting my fish from the freezer, the cat just...

“Klepto-cat” Box Made After Cat Goes On Stealing Frenzy

Guard your toys, residents! A cat named Charlie was reportedly taking and playing with random items around their neighborhood, such as toy skateboards, rubber...

Turns Out This Cat Kept Stealing The Dogs’ Leftovers

No matter how hard owners try to cordon off certain areas, or place certain items up high so the cats don’t reach them, it...

Cat Named Moustache Has A Cunning Look

Remember your favorite macho-themed cartoon villains? This cat seems to have a look that will put those men to shame.   Aptly named Moustache, this cat’s...

Six Photos Of Cats Being Adorably Weird

Some people think that “weird” is a negative word, but more and more people are realizing that the word is taking on a more...

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