Guy Gets Revenge On Cat Who Kept Waking Him Up At 4 AM Every...

We all know that cats love their sleep, but what cats don't realize is that we hoomans also love our sleep. Or since they...

Cats Hop Into A Golf Car Than Proceed To Turn Up The Music…Hilarious

When these cats decide to hop a into golf cart, they turn on some tunes the results are just too cute. Then watch them...

25+ Of The Best Examples Of Cat Logic

Oh cats, strange feline creatures that view the world in a special way that us humans don't always understand. Sometimes it feels like we finally get it and that we may have bridged that cat-human divide and that we really understand the logic in their actions...

Cute Cat Arguing With Her Human

The lady in the video below simply wanted to tell her kitty that play time was over, but the feline definitely didn't want any...

Stubborn Cat Won’t Let His Human Work!

If you've worked from home than you have probably experienced what's going on in this video. This playful kitty is making it absolutely clear...

15 Cats Who Are Definitely Not Happy About Their Haircuts

These cats are pissed off. There's no nice way to put it. Their owners chopped off their furs, and have basically left them feeling either naked or stupid. Their long locks have been cut, never to return again. Because, let's face it, it doesn't always grow back the same.... But, while the cats have the looks of ultimate anger on their little faces, there's no denying that haircut, or no haircut, they look insanely adorable :)

Kitten Has The Best Reaction to Her Reflection And You Won’t Stop Laughing!

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most frightening of them all? Looking at yourself in the mirror can be a scary experience! Imagine...

20+ What It’s Like To Live With Cats Illustrations

If you have a cat you are going to love these punny comics illustrated by Hanna Hilliam, a 27-year-old artist in San Francisco. Hanna goes through and shows you what life is really like when you own cats. Hanna's comics depict the true essence of being a modern cat lady in a funny, cute and at times a little cringe worthy but any proud cat owner could surely understand. The little daily cat struggles are just too easy to relate to so take a look and let us know your favorites. Be sure to check on her Instagram for the latest drawings.

13 Cats Who Had Enough Hair To Create Whole Other Cat…Hilarious!

When you're cleaning up your house, have you ever wondered how so much hair can come of your tiny cat? Well, you're not alone. This is a thought that every cat owner has. Somehow, cats manage to hide a second cat under their fur. Why a second a cat, you ask? Because, the hair extra hair they have under their fur is enough to literally make another cat. Some cat owners decided to demonstrate this theory, by taking their cats' extra hair and building a second cat with it. Pretty funny stuff. Not so funny for the vacuum cleaner in that house!

16 Hysterical Pictures That Prove We Don’t Deserve Cats

To put it in simple terms, cats are amazing. They have got to be the funniest domestic animal in the world. They're curiosity is innocent, sincere, and that makes them laughable to their owners. They're level of vulnerability is always at its peak. And that mixes in with a sufficient amount of shamelessness. And then, you get a splash of quirkiness, and bam, you have an animal that comforts you, makes you giggle, makes you laugh hard, makes you happy, all in one shot. Ladies and gents, cats are too good to be true, don't you think? Let's prove it to you....

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