Senior Rescue Cat Spends All Of His Time With His Brand-New Baby Sister

Klaus, an older cat who was once a stray, guards the newest addition to the family - a month-old baby girl named Fern. Look...

Donkey Makes Friends With Cats And It's The Cutest Thing

This donkey has made friends with two cats and it's the cutest thing ever. Just watch as these cats have done the unthinkable and...

Cats Pictured Cozy And Tucked Into Bed Is The New Viral Trend In Japan

The Japanese have started yet another trend. And, this time it involves humans tucking cats very cozily into bed. The less you see their...

Cat Finds Chipmunk and Surprisingly Starts Cuddling With It

We bet you never expected this to happen! A tiny chipmunk decided to adventure into a yard but only to meet a furry feline...

Caring Cat Hugs Kitten While He Sleeps

"Babysitting two doggies made Meesha and Bella realize they were a team. Don't get me wrong they still chase, pounce and harrass each other...

Baby and Kitten Are Having So Much Fun With Non Stop Laughter!

The baby and kitten in this video are having so much fun together! They appear to be playing a game of tug with a bed...

House Panther Attack!

"Warning! Black cats can be extremely cute at times!" - As Chris would say. Cat Man Chris just absolutely loves his two kitties, Cole...

15 Pics That Prove Cats Have A Built In Alarm System

If you're a cat owner, you know the struggle that it is some mornings. Especially the mornings you can afford to actually sleep in. They must like to torture owners who are tired and have days off, or time off. No need for a noisy alarm clock. Cats will wake you up before sunrise, no problem at all. And, their wake up methods are.....well...let's say a bit unconventional. But, strangely enough, it just makes us love them more. Who doesn't like a sparky personality?

Cat Rescued From Terrible Conditions Now Sleeps In Her Tiny Doll Bed Each And...

Meet Sophie, a rescue kitten that sleeps in her own miniature version of a human bed with rotating sets of sheets, comforters, and even...

Please, Cuddle The Cat!

Cuteness overdose! How could you ever resist not cuddling with your cat after seeing this? Our adorable feline friends showing their love and affection for...

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