Precious Ginger Kitten Will Melt Your Heart

You won't be able to stop falling in love with this precious little ginger kitten! He might be tiny but he is so big...

30+ Before And After Pics of Cats Growing Up With Their Favorite Toys

Most of us when we were younger had a favorite toy whether it be a blanket, pillow or stuffed animal. Often times kitties do same thing, the toy they loved and played with when they were youngest remains their favorite til this very day. These before and after pics show just how adorable cats are growing up with their favorite toys.

Cats Who Will Make Your Day Better

Need a little something to take your mind off things? We have just the thing! These fluffballs in this adorable video will definitely make your...

Maru The Cat Accidentally Tries On Different Wigs After His Owner Builds A Box...

Meet Maru – the 9-year-old Scottish fold is one of the most famous cats on the internet with a whopping 500k subscribers on Youtube...

Mother Cat Hugs Her Precious Kittens

An absolutely adorable moment was captured on camera when this mother cat named Pino playfully hugs her little kittens. Isn't this just precious?

8 Disney Cats And Their Real-Life Doppelgängers

Who doesn't love Disney characters?! And, when they're cats...even better! Well, we found your favorite cats from Disney movies, and their doppelgängers. They're just...

Mama Cat “Talking” To Her Babies

Cats clearly have their own unique ways and methods of communicating with each other. In this sweet video, a mama cat named Miyu is having...

These 20 Cats Laying On Glass Tables Will Make You Smile

If you want to get the most perfect view of your kitty's belly, put them on a glass table. Not only is it hilarious...

20+ Cats That Prove They Have The Power To Sleep Anywhere

Just a heads up, looking at these sleepy kitties will make you really sleepy. They just look like they're having the best sleep ever...but,...

This Kitten’s Adorable Reaction To His Human Coming Home Is Just Too Cute

An Imgur user DatSun280zxt has shared this adorable video of a kitten, who is apparently responding to his human coming home. We've seen many...

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