Theo the Talking Cat Greets His Human Dad In Japanese
Theo the cat lives in Japan with his human dad, so naturally his second language would be Japanese and by all accounts he’s quite...
Cute Kitten Doesn’t Want To Sleep Alone, So Look What He Does!
This little guy was sitting up next to his human dad while he was busy working on his laptop.
The kitten was obviously too tired...
Kitty Grows Up Hugging His Human Every Day And Won’t Stop No Matter How...
Meet Tihon, the giant Maine Coon cat who wants to cuddle no matter how big he gets! “He likes to sit in my arms...
Stray Cat Found on Porch Gives Birth To Seven Furballs
A pregnant mama cat was found living in a back porch in the middle of winter. In addition to being pregnant, the mama cat...
Little Bengal Kitten Relaxing Like Master Yoda
We love these sweet clips that just melt your heart because when it comes to kitty videos, there is no such thing as 'too...
16 Hysterical Pictures That Prove We Don’t Deserve Cats
To put it in simple terms, cats are amazing. They have got to be the funniest domestic animal in the world. They're curiosity is innocent, sincere, and that makes them laughable to their owners. They're level of vulnerability is always at its peak. And that mixes in with a sufficient amount of shamelessness. And then, you get a splash of quirkiness, and bam, you have an animal that comforts you, makes you giggle, makes you laugh hard, makes you happy, all in one shot. Ladies and gents, cats are too good to be true, don't you think? Let's prove it to you....
Delightful Kittens Talking and Playing With Their Mama
Can you really ever get enough of kittens!? It's just something about seeing those tiny little faces, those tiny paws...that just melts your heart. Oh and when you see the love they have for their mama, it's just the most precious moment.
A Man and His Rescue Cat’s Morning Routine
Nikita loves her human dad very much and they have developed a morning ritual which includes a cuddle between them.
Krzysztof Smejlis, the man behind...
Maru Sees A Large Hammock And Must Get On It At All Costs
Maru is a very clever kitty that loves to entertain. It’s almost as if he knows when he's being filmed with his great timing.
Tiny Kitten Takes Leap Of Faith Into Human’s Hands
This wee tiny kitten obviously wanted to be rescued and comforted by her human.
So she does the absolutely most adorable and logical thing when...