Overly Attached Kitty Demands Love & Attention

Meet Ophelia! This extremely attached cat always wants to be with her hooman – like every second of the day and you'll never have...

Precious Moment Between Fluffy Kitten and Her Hooman

These type of moments are the ones that keep us cat people hooked onto our kitties for life! Watch in this video clip as...

Meet Murphy, The Laundry Basket Hermit Crab Cat

Have You Seen The Hermit Crab Cat? Say hello to Murphy, a five month old orange tabby, who loves having a laundry basket placed...

Kitten Meets a Hedgehog For The Very First Time

We know that kittens and hedgehogs are cute and adorable so when you put them together it is cuteness overload. Watch as Loki the...

Cat and Bearded Dragon Have Strange But Adorable Friendship

Well, if you love weird animal friendships, you need to check out Puppet the cat’s best friend, Puff. Puff is a bearded dragon who...

Little Kitten Loves His Human Dad So Much

A precious moment of tenderness is on display between a tiny 2 week old white kitten his very compassionate human dad. This is how the...

Kittens Doing Things For The First Time

It's just a universal fact that little kittens are extremely adorable and cute. Well we present to you cuteness overload, in this video you'll see...

17 Cats Who Just Can't Hide Their Christmas Obsession

This Christmas, pay attention to your cat. You'll start noticing a pattern for sure. And we're not talking about just the usual playing with the ornaments. We're talking about every waking moment, and even during their sleeping moments, they're involved with something Christmas in your home. Their faces of amazement, and curiosity lights up every single time they see Christmas lights, garlands, tinsel, etc. Needless to say, these kitties take "Christmas Joy" to a whole new level!

Watch This Cat's Reaction When He Wants To Go Outside…It's The Cutest Thing Ever

This sweet kitty is begging to go outside so that he can play with the neighbors cat. It's the way in which he begs...

Father Captures Adorable Morning Routine Between His Daughter And Cat

It's been said that children can understand and see what adults cannot which includes animal conversations! Babies and toddlers are actually much smarter than...

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