21+ Cat Snaps Whose Sole Purrpose Is To Bring You Joy

These cat Snapchats’ come with a 100% guarantee. After taking a look at these snaps you are guaranteed to smile a little more, laugh a little more and enjoy life a tiny bit more because after all isn’t that all that matters?

A Cats Vs Dinosaur…Because Why Not

What happens when Kittisaurus a Youtuber decides to do a dinosaur challenge? How do you think the cats will react to the T-Rex costume? After...

75 Year Old Man Volunteers And Naps With Cats At This Shelter Every Day

75-year-old Terry Lauerman is a hero in our hearts, he regularly heads down to his local shelter for some volunteering and catnaps. Staff at Safe...

25+ Photos Of Finnish Cats Living Their Best Winter Life

The chonkier the cat, the more fluff there is to hug and love! Four cats all from Northern Finland who are some of the...

40+ Cats Rocking The #DollyPartonChallenge

The latest viral craze started by Dolly Parton is catching the feline world...best 4 versions of yourself for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Tinder. #DollyPartonChallenge #CanDoItAllChallenge #SocialChallenge

Man Wasn’t A Cat Person Until He Found A Tiny Abandoned Kitten

Josh wasn’t a cat person, so it never in a 100 years would he have thought he would be snuggling and cuddling with a...

20+ Of The Best Cat Tattoo Ideas Ever

Since ancient times cats have been a symbol of grace and poise. The word cat comes from the ancient Egyptian name "caute." In ancient Egypt, they had cat goddesses Isis and Ba'at, and were often depicted in art and even mummified just like humans. Egyptians held felines in the highest esteem, and killing one, even by accident, often resulted in death penalties. In Greek times, they were linked with cleanliness, lust, deviousness, and cunning. Back in the Stone Age, cats were buried next to their deceased owners. But most people do not get cat tattoos because of their historical importance. Mainly, men and women get cat tattoos because cats are free-spirited animals associated with the sense of independence, intellect and at times even symbols of rebellion. Cats are also very lovable and sweet making them the purrfect way for some to show off their nature.

These Cats Can Speak English Better Than Hooman

What would happen if cats could speak English better than us hoomans? I’m a big billy. The biggest wet willy and I’m gonna go...

17 Reasons Why Cats Are The Cutest Creatures On This Planet

Kittens are the purrrfect, since they have multi-directional ears They have memorizing eyes Even cuter when eyes are closed They have button-shaped little noses With delicate thin mustahces Oh...

Meet Gringo, The Cat Who Mustached His Way Into Our Hearts

Ever imagine that you'll meet a cat with such a unique look like this one? The world, meets Gringo and his white mustache!

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