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Why Are White Cats Special: Facts You Never Knew

White cats have always captures the heart of cat lovers like us, with their striking beauty and graceful coat. Have you ever wondered what make them special? Here are 5 facts about white cats:

White Cats Are Not Specific Breed

Which means that they can appear in many different breeds and can be found in cat breeds like Siamese, British, Shorthair. This quirk may be surprising to some people that think white cats are one specific breed because of how rare they are but that is not the case.

Blue eyed white cats have a higher change of being deaf

The gene that is responsible for the color of cats coat and eyes also affect their inner ear development. Researchers found that 17 to 22 percent of white cats and 65 to 70 percent of cats with both blue eyes are deaf.

White cats are a sign of good luck in many cultures

Many cultures believed that white cats have healing powers, This quirk is rotted in the belief that the pure appearance of white cats represents purity and cleanliness.

The odd-eyed white cats

White cats that have one eye blue and the other eye that is green or orange are known as the odd eyed cats. This mutation is Heterochromia due to imbalance of melanin in the eyes, thankfully this doesn’t affect the cat’s vision and overall health.

Sun and white cats doesn’t get along well

Their coats doesn’t have a protective pigmentation, without this protection white cats are at a higher risk of sun damage. This is important for a white cat owner to be aware of this and take precautions when you go out with your cat.