Vet Clinic Is Hiring To Simply Cuddle With Cats….SOLD!

Are you looking to change your life by moving to another country? Are you tired of the usual 9-5 office job? Are you obsessed...

If Your Cat Does This, They Think They're Dogs

These cats are little confused. They're not exactly set on their feline ways or manners. They seem to prefer the dog way of doing...

20+ Hairless Cats Who Prove You Don’t Need Fur To Be Cuddly

Some people love cats so much, but because of allergies they can't do the cat hair. So, what to do? Thankfully, there's hairless kitties. Some people think they don't look as cute as cats with hair, but we beg to differ. Just look at those eyes, and those ears! They're full of love, and their favorite thing to do is cuddle for hours :) So, don't disregard these cuties just because they don't have fur. They make up for it with their extra large hearts!

Someone Recorded Their Cat Saying “Well, Hi!” in a Southern Accent

After a long hard day at work, one of our favorite ways to unwind is spending time scrolling through Instagram looking at cats. What...

15+ Times Cats Found Catnip, And Well…See For Yourself

If you're a cat owner, having a small bag of green herb might mean a bit different than what most people would have in mind. This magical green dust has the power to turn your ordinary domestic felines into wild jungle cats as soon as they get a whiff or it can magically melt them into a motionless puddle of fluff when they lick it. Enter the wondrous world of catnip, and the purrdy stoned kitties who can’t seem to get enough. The name ‘catnip’ is actually derived from nepeta cataria, which is an herb closely related to mint. The plant itself, whether freshly grown or dried for various commercial purposes, secretes a chemical compound called nepetalactone and that triggers a response from cats’ pheromone receptors – in other words, it then makes them lose their minds when they smell it. When the plant is actually ingested, it can produce the opposite effect by sedating the cat. Each and every cat reacts differently to the magical herb, with some showing outright immunity to its powers. Take a look at cats below who went on a serious ‘nip trip’!