The 12 Moods Of Cats You Go Through On A Daily Basis

Dealing with cats can be a very mind boggling task. This is how a day starts for a cat owner....the cat wakes up at...

21 Cats With The Most Incredible Eyes In The World

Have you ever heard the saying "you can see your soul, through your eyes?" Well, that saying must have definitely started by someone who had or has a cat like these. These cats' eyes are completely out of this world. They're so bold in color, perfectly shaped, that they don't even seem real! It's basically like looking at precious stones, and not eyes. These cats and their eyes belong in some museum, they're so incredible!

20+ People Who Thought They Didn’t Have A Cat…They Were Wrong

We all know cats are quite independent creatures. They always think for themselves and are relatively self-sufficient. So much that apparently they sometimes even choose their own households. The following people don't have cats...and the cats are a little confused as to why not. No harm done, though. The cats are happy to help them correct the situation — by showing up unannounced in their "new home." You didn't have a cat before? Well, now you do!

31 Cats Who Nail Human Reactions To Everyday Situations….Hilarious!

After you go through these pictures, you'll ask yourself, "am I part cat"? Because, cats are a little too good at nailing human reactions, and facial expressions? How is it possible that these little non-human creatures react the same way we crazy humans do? Of course, their reactions may not be towards the same situations we would react to, but hey....they still nailed the faces :)

19 Cats That Were You In College…Nailed It!

Do you remember the way you were in college? Or perhaps, the way you currently are in college. It's an exciting time in someone's life, but it can also come with many challenges. And, the way you go about getting over those challenges are what can either make or break your experience. What we don't realize is that cats' daily lives resemble our college lives a great deal. Take some time and observe them. You'll laugh at the similarities.