15 Cats That Prove They Are Masters Of Pure Laziness
If you have a cat, or know someone who has a cat, you know that they love to veg out, and enjoy the pleasures of doing absolutely nothing. But, if you really take the time to observe them, you will realize that they more than love it. They let the very concept of laziness dominate them in its entirety. There is no budging for them when they're in the middle of a "lazy session". Just see for yourself...
When Five Fluffy Kittens Spot an Intruder, All Purrsonalities Come Out!
Cats have some great instincts of being like little Sherlock Holmes, especially when they see an intruder because always they investigate. These five kittens...
10 Ways Cats are Good For You!
Contrary to (most) popular belief, owning a pet cat is actually very beneficial for you! Companionship aside, cats can affect your physical and mental...
Meet Yana, The Two-Faced Kitty Whose Parents Ran Out Of Ink
Being called two-faced is usually considered to be a bad thing...that is unless you’re Yana the cat. If you haven't noticed already, this adorable...
Blind Cat Who Loves Hiking Turned This Man Into A Cat Person
Patrick Corr, a 28-year-old filmmaker from Cork City, Ireland, has admitted that his love for Stevie has "changed his life forever"
Together, they recorded this...