Cat litter boxes are crucial part of being a cat owner, but many pet owners make mistake when it comes to their use and maintenance. here are some common errors to watch out for:

1Not cleaning the litter box often enough

Cats love to clean their bodies, and they will surely avoid using a dirty litter box. Aim to clean out waste and empty the box at least once a day, and wash it with soap and water at least once a week.

2Placing the litter box inconvenient location

Cats will feel vulnerable while using the litter box, so avoid placing it in a place where people gather or where there is a lot of noise.

3Not providing enough litter boxes

Provide more litter boxes proportional to how many cats you have in your household plus an extra one, for example you have 3 cats, then place 4 litter boxes. With this all your cats will have their own territory.

4Using a litter box that is too small

A little box that is too small can make your cat feel uncomfortable and cramped. Always make sure that you get the right size so your cat can move around in comfortably.

5Not noticing your cat’s behavior and the changes in the litter box

If your cat is consistently avoiding the litter box or the cat’s feces seems odd, your cat might be hiding a disease. Contact your veterinarian to check if your cat is fine.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can be sure your beloved cat will be happy and healthy.                                                                                                         .




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