These Cats Are Not Quite Right

Who doesn’t like quirks? Often there may be people who perceive quirks or differences as a negative thing, but there are also cases wherein...

Why Cats Are An Important Part Of Moroccan Culture

There is so much archeological evidence of the importance of cats in various cultures. The most common association of cats to the ancient world...

Look At This Aesthetically-Pleasing “Cat Wall”

As cat owners, there is a lot to live up to, especially how demanding felines can really be. However, many owners seem to be...

From Dumpster Kitten To Refined Lady

A true rags-to-riches story involving a cat. She was found avoiding traffic while living in a dumpster, and now she’d transformed into a more...

These Two Strays Formed A Heart Tail

These two cats certainly are showing off with how majestic-looking their tails are. A netizen managed to catch this eye-watering photo of two stray...

Cat Looks Cute With Pink Bowtie

We love to dress our pets up in the cutest outfits, and sometimes it can fail. But those times are worth it for the...

Is It Okay For Cats To Stay Indoors

Cat owners tend to be divided on this key issue. It is an interesting divide, as some people think that keeping an “indoor cat”...

Cat Approaches Person After Nasty Breakup

Breakups can be quite painful, and that is something felt by many humans, especially after a certain age. Sometimes it can be hard to...

ART: Look At This Wonderful Cat Cactus Watercolor Painting

It’s always a treat when artists and cats mix. We get masterpieces that range from ancient sculptures of cat gods to redraws of popular...

People Try To Guess The Pattern On This Cat

  To be precise–the cat on the left of this picture. There seems to be a mystery pattern colored in their hair. While it can...

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