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No, Your Feline Friend CANNOT Eat That Chocolate Bar

Everyone knows that dogs can’t eat chocolates. Sadly, only a few know that cats are also allergic to this dessert. The reason for this...

If cats had pockets, What would you be able to find inside them?

A Reddit user posed this question, and many other users chipped in with their thoughts. The realistic answer is what this user replied with. It...

This Twitter user redraws cat pics–and all of it’s adorable!

Sometimes looking at cat pictures isn't enough, and you get the urge to redraw them. A certain Tweep has made it their life role...

Why Garlic Bread Is Toxic For Cats

Garlic and other allium vegetables are harmful to cats, and may eventually lead to anemia. While it seems odd that a vegetable would be...

Milk Or Water, Which Is Better For Cats?

Most people are probably used to how popular media depicts cats as always drinking milk. It’s sort of like rabbits and carrots at this...

There Are Signs A Cat May Be Sad

Unlike humans, cats don’t necessarily cry when they’re feeling sad or in pain, though they have other ways of showing it. According to Daily Paws,...

Danger Grapes: Please Don’t Feed Your Cat Grapes

Most pet owners tend to give their pets the same food as they had recently, thinking that they would be fine with all the...

This Owner Drew His Cat Carrying His Fish

This owner observed that his cat had been staring at his fish, so he drew his cat carrying the fish aquarium on an adventure...

These Cats Are Living The Life

What does the American Dream mean to cats? They dream of not sharing the same food container, or dream of layers upon layers of...

This Cat Breed Exudes Ethereal Beauty

Sometimes people like to take into account looks when picking the breed of animal that they’re going to be having as a pet. After...

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