Rescue Cat Helps Sick Lamb Get Better
This rescue cat saved a lamb's life! Meet Doris, a rescue cat who is obsessed with her new BFF, a baby lamb!
Charlie the lamb...
Adorable Kitten Twins Love To Sleep Side By Side
These two kittens are having the best night’s sleep ever!
The three-month-old brother and sister, named Canele and Amelie, can’t sleep without having one another...
Cute Kittens Rockin’ To A Beat
So these cute fuzzy wuzzies probably weren't rocking and rolling their heads to a techno beat nonetheless this is pretty darn cute.
More than likely someone is probably just waving a toy around with the music playing in the background but we'll take it because these guys are just so fun to watch!
These Curly Cats Who All Descended From One Shelter Kitty Are Taking Internet By...
Cats with super fluffy coats are adorable. But, cats with curly coats are basically "heart melts into an instant puddle immediately" cute.
Little Kitten Is Adorable When She’s in Attack Mode!
Meet Perci the kitten, the little furball that is so cute when she's ready to attack!
"Perci the Kitten, in a playful mood in the...
Sleepy Kitten is Fighting a Losing Battle To Stay Awake
An extremely adorable 2 month old kitten is fighting a losing battle because no matter how hard he tries he just can't keep his...
14+ Yin Yang Cats That Are The Purrfect Fit
They say that black cats are bad luck, and that white cats are good luck. Of course, that's all superstition. Some take it as truth, some take it as rumors. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is for sure. The two types of cats looks magnificent together. Just looks at these beautiful pairs of ying and yang kitties....
Meet Scruffles, The Cat That Has No Idea Why Chicks Are Going Crazy Over...
Meet Scruffles, the fat kitty who has amassed quite the impressive of following with 57k Instagram followers but lets talk about the chickens that...
Kitty Is Completely Mesmerized By A Bubble Timer
Ava the kitty is hypnotically drawn to this bubble timer on her hooman's desk. We are fascinated by the bubble timer as well but...
Kitten Knows Just What To Do When Her Bottle's Ready
This little cutie pie is very smart and acts just like a human baby. She knows exactly what to do when her bottle is...