25+ Purrfectly Timed Cat Photos Taken At The Absolute Best Meowment
Cats are generally graceful, majestic and photogenic animals. They always seem to land on their feet and for the most part cats have it...
Kitty That Loves His Human More Than Anything Else In The World
Many dog lovers like to point out they don't like cats because cats don't love you back. They believe that cats aren't friendly and...
20+ Proud Cat Mommas With Their Cute Little Kittens
Cats seem to have a bad reputation of being cold and uncaring at times, but even they can swell with pride and joy when they give birth to adorable kittens. These photos will show you just how proud these cat mommys are and how much love and motherhood go hand-in in the cat world as well!
Cat Adopts Baby Orphaned Hedgehogs As Her Own
These tiny hedgehogs had sadly lost their mother, but then comes along Somya the cat to the rescue!
Somya had only one kitten to take...
Meet Bone Bone, The Enormous Fluffy Cat From Thailand
Have you ever seen a cat so fluffy it looks unreal? Say hello to Bone Bone from Thailand.
Not only is he super fluffy but...
Tiny Rescue Kitten Loves to Give Cuddles!
Meet Ara, a very cute little white kitten who was rescued by Omar Kadaba. She loves to give cuddles, so Omar decided to film...
This Kitten Loves His New Friend, A Golden Retriever Puppy
When this adorable little kitten is introduced to an equally adorable Golden Retriever puppy for the first time there was an instant connection. The...
Cat Becomes Friends With A Chipmunk, Nonstop Cuddling
Sometimes it's just too hard to resist the FLUFF and this chipmunk just can't help himself. The brave tiny fellow saw a furry cat...
The Many Reasons Why Having A Cat Is Way Better Than Having A Boyfriend
If you're single, don't be so eager to go find yourself a boyfriend. Instead, go off and find something better. Something that will give...
Adorable Baby Sharing Breakfast With His Kitten
There's just way too much cuteness going on in this video. Watch as this thoughtful baby politely shares his breakfast with his kitten pal....