Kitty Loves It When His Human Plays the Accordion!
When this ginger cat's human plays the accordion this kitty instantly starts to love and cuddle by his human's side.
It's a lovely sight to...
15 Cats Who Believe Doll Beds Were Created For Them
What is it with cats, and sleeping in places where they don't belong? Perhaps knowing that's not their place, is relaxing to them. Besides...
Bengal Kittens Having A Blast On A Kids Slide
Isha the Bengal cat just had a litter of kittens and they are now old enough to explore the gardens!
Bengals are naturally playful, just...
Meet the Kittens That Live Under a Concrete Slab
Robin Seplut is a kind person that goes out of his way to help out stray cats when possible.
“Hello dear friends! Today I found...
11 Rescue Kittens Caught In Mid-Pounce
"New series about rescue kittens doing what they love to do, and doing what they do best, POUNCING!
Humans are entranced by cats, but as much as we adore them, we realize they also need our assistance:
1. Adopt a cat from your local animal shelter or rescue group. And don’t stop at just one. Adopt two! Cats are social creatures.
2. Spay and neuter your cats to help reduce overpopulation in shelters.
3. Never declaw your cats. Your cats need claws in order to be both healthy and happy
4. Play with your cats every single day. You are helping them get exercise, relieve boredom, build confidence and become even better friends with you!" - Seth Casteel
Meet Taco, A Toddler’s Most Perfect Protector
Forget about the phrase "a dog is man's best friend." This cat is raising the bar to all new heights! With this cat it's...
Girl Sleeps Together With Her Kitty From The First Day They Met
Her parents refer to this little girl 'a cat whisperer', and for the perfect reason – from the moment she met her family's new...
Precious Kitten Sleeping in the Palm of His Human’s Hand!
Time for a big 'awwwww!' Having a teeny tiny kitten sleeping in your hands is probably one of the best feelings ever! This precious...
Tonto Definitely Approves Of His Human’s New Girlfriend!
Watch what happens as Tonto the Bengal cat meets his human's new girlfriend for the very first time!
"I think he might like Emma a...
Adorable Kitten Plays Hide n’ Seek With Her Loving Human!
Once in a while it's nice to see a grown man acting like a kid :D This cute kitten is just having a blast...