The Crazy Daily Life Of A Woman Who Adopted 12 Cats

If you think the life of a woman who has 3 or more kids is chaos....just look at this cat mom. She has 12...

Cezar, World's First "Sheep Cat"….Whoa That Fur!

Everyone, meet Cezar. He is a crazy little Sheep Cat. Okay, there's really no such thing a sheep cat. He is actually a Persian...

Adorable Kitten Plays with Two Dalmatians

This kitten is friendly and fearless and just want to make friends with anyone that's around. This sweet 5-week-old foster kitten named Uno is...

Cats Wearing Hats Made From Their Own Hair

Ryo Yamazaki, a Japanese photographer, creates hats from the hair his cats shed, and they are oh so adorable! His Scottish fold cats are...

19+ Cats Who Are The Most Amazing Babysitters

They say that dogs are man's best friend. But, cats are loyal as they come too. Their favorite? Kids. Cats love kids, and kids love them back. They will always be kind and patient with your little ones. And, in return kids enjoying petting them, and showing them affection. Cats make the best, and most loving babysitters to say the least. Just look at these cats, the sincerity just radiates off the pictures :)

Harry the Duck & His Kittens

On of the most heart warming videos you'll ever see. Watch as Harry the duck meets five abandoned kittens and does something completely unexpected,...

20 Heart Warming Moments That Prove Cats Are Little Angels

Many people mistake cats to be somewhat selfish, but the truth is that cats truly have hearts of gold. They care so much, and are always there for the ones they love. And, if you doubt that, then take a look at these 20 cats that will surely prove you wrong. These kitties are so sweet, they deserve Nobel Peace Prizes!

Kitten Arrives At New Home And Meets The Old Cat…They Never Knew This Would...

You never know what's going to happen when you introduce a new family member to an older one. Watch as this family brings home...

Cute Ginger Kitten Meows For Love And Falls Asleep

Meet this really cute little ginger kitten who is learning roam on his own four feet. As he explores, he lets out the cutest...

Under-Cats: I Photograph Cats From Underneath

"As a person who loves both cats and photography I couldn’t miss an opportunity to express myself during the international Cat show which recently...

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