This Cat Loves The Painting Made For Him

When a pet owner loves their pet so much that they can’t help but paint them, or make other crafts relating to them, the...

This Community Shares The Cutest Cats With Curled Limbs

There are many reasons for a cat to curl their limbs, but it is definitely generally positive. More than that, the cats look really...

The Most Adorable Toe Beans You’ll See Today

People love toe beans.  Who doesn’t? They’re easily one of the cutest things about cats, and many cat owners love taking toe bean pictures.   This...

This Cat Befriended A Cactus Plant

Sometimes non-human beings in a house–and even in nature–tend to have bonded together after a while. That is the case for this cat and...

This Is How Hiding From Problems Feels

When you think you’ve hidden well from your problems, that’s when they learn just how to sneak into you. u/WheresMyDog’s cat has some wisdom...

This Six-Week-Old Cat Has Amazing Whiskers

Good hair days are the best. They make one feel more confident and happy with themselves. This cat definitely agrees. Their whiskers look impressive...

Hilarious Timing Of This News Tag Earns Laughs

Sometimes we get so frustrated with the current systems we live in. And we wonder, what if cats ran our government?   This perfectly-timed picture from...

This Cat video will warm your Heart

We all know that times come the fly by as fast as lightning, for all we know, we feel like it's just been yesterday...

This Cat Watches Over An Ancient Ruin

Ancient ruins are easily one of the most fascinating tourist sites. Many are fascinated about how the people who used to live or go...

Man shows how to comfort an angry cat (Wholesome)

Cats are known to be sweet little cuties to their owners, but sometimes it just can't be avoided that there will be fights between...

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