Man shows how to comfort an angry cat (Wholesome)

Cats are known to be sweet little cuties to their owners, but sometimes it just can't be avoided that there will be fights between...

These Puppies has a Cat as a second Mom!

We all know that whoever the one who gave birth to us, will take care of us, but there seem to be exceptional species...

This Cat Has Been Setting Personal Records

Giving yourself a goal is the best way to start habits. You’ve read advice like that all over the Internet and you may have...

These Two Cats On A Shelf Are Aesthetically Pleasing

Occasionally cat photos would go beyond meme quality and wind up being rather aesthetically pleasing in its own merit. There are photos that simply...

This Cat Looks Cool In Glasses

    Whether glasses are cool or not depends on the person you asked. But generally, most people today think they’re pretty cool. Many even wear...

Cat Knows Exactly When Bedtime Is

Sometimes with the hustle and bustle of daily life, we forget to sleep on time. Luckily for the owners of this cat, they seem...

Probably the Cutest Cat Ever!

There are many cats in the world that are cute, but only a few of them make it a star on the internet and...

This Cat Has An Adorable “Scared” Look

When we are scared, we tend to show it. And showing our fear about a situation usually means that we do it no matter...

Cat Approaches Person After Nasty Breakup

Breakups can be quite painful, and that is something felt by many humans, especially after a certain age. Sometimes it can be hard to...

Recently Adopted Cat Warmed Up To Owner Easily

A recently-adopted cat named Cyrus has seemingly warmed up fast to their new owner. The owner woke up one day with the cat seemingly...

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