If you are a cat who loves to travel, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared with the best carriers and travel accessories. From a high-quality to harness and leash, a travel bed or blanket, and food and water dishes, these essential items will ensure your cat is comfortable and safe during your travels. Also pack other necessary essentials, litter, toy, treats and a carrier cover to keep your cat calm and not stressed. Do your own research and choose products that are safe, comfortable and convenient for both you and your beloved cat.
Here is a list of the things you should not forget and bring during your travel with your cat:
1A high quality cat carrier

Choose a carrier that is spacious and comfortable for your cat, depending on the circumstances you can choose between a soft sided carriers or sturdy ones. Also make sure that it meets any size and weight requirement for air travel if you plan on taking your cat on an airplane.
2A harness and Leash

A harness and leash can help you keep your cat under control while you are travelling.
3Travel blanket

A travel bed or blanket can provide your cat with a comfortable place to rest while they are away from home.
4Food and water

A pack of food and water will make sure that your cats stomach is full and dehydrated during your travels.
5Portable Litter box
A litter box can make it easier to keep your cat’s bathroom habits in check while you are travelling.