A woman decided to adopt a senior cat from an animal shelter then came back for his old best friend who was waiting for his forever home.

When two senior cats, 11-year-old Mojo and 16-year-old Max, were dropped off with Anne Arundel County Animal Control, in Maryland, their long lives together almost ended. Because of the shelter’s policy, the cats had to be kept in separate cages with each one hoping to defy the odds stacked against them as older pets in need of a new homes.
“About a month ago, this lady adopted Mojo, an 11-year-old cat who came to the shelter with another cat, Max, who is 16,” the shelter wrote on Facebook.
“Mojo has been a wonderful pet, she said, but she couldn’t get Max out of her mind. ‘The idea of him living out his life in a cage just broke my heart,’ she said.”
Max (16) and Mojo (11)

The day after Christmas, she went back to the shelter to adopt Max and reunite the two friends.
Max meeting his forever mom and on his way to reuniting with his best friend Mojo.

When they first adopted Mojo…

…he absolutely loved his new home, but there was something still missing…
so when they went back to adopt Mojo’s best friend it all changed! Max was so excited to be taken out of the shelter.

Here are the two best buddies reunited in their forever loving home and totally inseparable!

Brotherly love while snuggling up together! It’s so nice to have each other at a place they call home.

Share this story and help older cats find lasting homes!
For more info on Friends of Anne Arundel County Animal Control. You can also follow Max and Mojo on Instagram
(h/t: Love Meow)