
When Your Teacher Says You Can’t Draw Cats, But Your Paintings Are Photorealistic (20+ Photos)

If you went ahead and showed somebody these drawings and told them that they were accurate representations of cats, they’d more than likely laugh at you. The truth is, however, that they’re actually quite perfect depictions of our furry feline friends. Sure they’re a little abstract, and yes, you may need to use your imagination with some of them, but as you can clearly see from the pictures that inspired them, they’re closer to the real thing than you might think. All of these were drawn by Heloisa, who is an artist from Brazil who posts their super-realistic creations on their Twitter account called Poorly Drawn Cats.
More info: Twitter

cat+snake =cake?


Mr. Slug…

Its just a cat, catting

I can be cute without legs!


“Figaro, Figaro, Figaroooooo”

Panorama photo fail

I’ll never let go Jack!

Heh heh heh… evil laugh

Cat Trump 😛


The Catfather… and the mob

When you dress to impress, but ur jewelry is too heavy.

WOW! I think this cat ATE a cat!

When you can’t smile.



Mah belly. Pets it.

you missed the treat sale hooman! agggghhhh

I thought it was a cat in a astronaut helmet in the first pic. Second pic made me realize there are even cooler things for a cat to be in. A piece of bread for example.

And here we see a cat playing a wild air guitar.

This is not as poorly drawn as the other ones


‘No, I’m not mad, everything’s fine’

When you turn the camera in and it’s in selfie mode…


It’s boss cat!

Listening to Katty Purry

Marlboro cat. Meow.