Training your cat is a great way to bond with your feline friend and have some fun at the same time, although it takes some patience to achieve results. Teaching your cat some tricks is a great way to do this, and it can also provide your cat with mental and physical simulation. Here are some tips for teaching your cat do simple tricks.

1Choose a trick that is achievable and not too hard

It goes without saying that your cat may become frustrated and lose in interest in training if it’s too hard. You can start with some simple good tricks to start that include “sit”, “come”, “stay” and you may also include some paw tricks like “fist bump and high fives” if you are cat is pretty smart.


2Make a reward system for your cat

Because they are cats they tend to lose interest very quick so it’s very important to consistently reward your cat every time they perform the desired action or at least tried to. This could be treats, praise, or anything that your cat likes, as this will make them motivated and more likely to learn the tricks you teach them.


3Be consistent in your training efforts

Try to this task in a specific time each to day so your cat as this will help your cat understand a pattern that they will stick with, this will make it easier for them to learn new behaviors and tricks.


4Be patient

Training a cat can take time and may require multiple trainings before they do a trick consistently, because as you may know cats tends to do what they want and sometimes they don’t want to listen to their owners so be patient and don’t get if your cat doesn’t seem to be catching on right away.


5Use positive reinforcement techniques

As cat lovers we don’t want to hurt or punish our cats right? so when training your cat give them a rewards or praise rather than punishing them as they are more likely respond positively. By using this technique, you can create a positive and enjoyable experience training experience for both you and your cat.

In conclusion training is a very great way to bond with your beloved cat and it’s not that hard because all it requires is a willingness to learn and teach from both you and your cat.


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