
This Cat Got A Glow-Up

u/blackflameandcocaine / Reddit

From being a skinny feral on the streets, this cat then became a dapper gentleman, thanks to the care of Reddit user u/blackflameandcocaine, who shared two recent photos of their cat.


According to them, the cat, named Pork Chop, was a feral farm cat that first turned up at their house back in October 2018. They’d come home that night to see the cat sitting in the deck chair with Poet, another cat of theirs.


He’s only 80% domesticated, according to the owner, and seems to have trouble with certain household items that are normal for domesticated cats. Nevertheless, they had a whole story to share about how the cat came to be theirs, and it’s a really cool story to read about.

Quoted from the above comment of the owner on their story, for those who cannot load the embed comment:


Pork Chop was a feral farm cat that first turned up at my house in October 2018. I came home one night to find him sitting on a deck chair with my cat, Poet He was about six months old at the time and didn’t seem to have any kitty family members so Poet told him she knew where he could find some food and brought him home It took a while to gain his trust but we got there in the end after hours of me sitting on the deck with food And slowly I managed to pet him then I moved the food bowl inside and just went from there!

Four years later – he visits every single night (he’ll come later in summer and earlier in the colder months) and has his tea here, a bowl of milk, cuddles and plays with his toys and[sic] annoys the shit out of his adopted sister, Poet He either sleeps in bed with me (he’s currently using my leg as his pillow in bed right now) or on his special orthopaedic[sic] cat bed in the lounge. He LOVES being picked up for cuddles and dancing to Taylor Swift (it took us a long time to get to that point!) and he also is very fond of playing with his various cat toys. His current fav toy is a plush meerkat that he likes to murder! He also loves kissing me and giving me leg rubs! He’s truly such an affectionate boy and I think all he ever wanted was somebody to love him and his wild heart He then leaves anywhere between 5am-7:30am[sic] to spend his day on the farm hunting and sleeping. I have tried following him to see where he goes during the day but he’s too smart and will run off I know for certain that I’m the only human he interacts with and he’s got a family tree of kitty clan members as long as his tail (I’ve met a few of his siblings lol but they aren’t domesticated and are rather dangerous!)

I’ve literally only seen him a handful of times in daylight over the years (with the exception of the dreaded vet visits) When I do take him to the vet, I have to stop him from leaving the house at 5am[sic] and it’s immensely stressful on both of us but thankfully he always comes back that night and never holds a grudge My sister used to live with me and he absolutely was terrified of her so he would hide outside when she was around. I live alone now and he is still terrified of humans so the moment that someone comes into the house that isn’t me, he will run out the cat door and hide until they have left. When I come home from work at night, he sits on the deck and watches my car pull up so he knows it’s me I’m so immensely blessed that this beautiful darling boy turned up one night and let me tame his wild heart as he’s such a blessing Thank you Pork Chop for choosing me as your Human!

P.S I’d say he’s about 80% domesticated. He doesn’t know how to use the litter box (he tried eating it once!) and he freaks out the moment he doesn’t have an exit route to outside. Also still petrified of any humans except me. I’ll never be able to move houses with him as he’ll never leave the farm but that’s okay with me as my family own[sic] the farm so I will stay here as long as I can for him and his sister, Poet


What a lovely cat owner and family of cats, we certainly wish them all well in helping poor Pork Chop integrate better.